The Doorknob Society Saga by MJ Fletcher is a contemporary steampunk fantasy series that follows the thrilling adventures of Chloe Masters, a young woman with a mysterious family past and a special set of skills. With the help of her friends – the brilliant yet always oblivious Edgar Magnus, the beautiful and beguiling Jess Grimm, the imposing and handsome Slade, and the foreboding James Nightshade of the Skeleton Key Guild – Chloe battles supernatural threats that threaten to upend the balance of the world.
Fletcher’s writing is full of witty banter, vivid descriptions, and unexpected twists and turns that keep readers engaged and invested in the story. The series is known for its strong world-building, memorable characters, and thrilling action sequences.
As Chloe delves deeper into her family’s mysterious past, she must navigate the dangers of the supernatural world and uncover the truth about her own abilities. With the help of her loyal friends, she faces off against dangerous monsters, betrayals, and other mysterious beings, all while trying to unravel the secrets of her family’s past.
If you’re a fan of contemporary urban fantasy with a dash of mystery, action, and adventure, then the Doorknob Society Saga is a must-read series. With unforgettable characters, an intriguing plot, and expert world-building, it’s no wonder that fans keep coming back for more. So grab a copy today and join Chloe and her friends on their thrilling adventures!
The Doorknob Society (Book 1)
The Impossible Engineers (Book 2)
The Mapmakers Union (Book 3)
The Detective Inspectors (Book 4)
The Skeleton Key Guild (Book 5)